mardi 18 août 2009

Made in France, Nous sommes hélas les meilleurs au monde dans ce pire.

Give your Price for this:

This one is the Less expensive, because this is the most dangerous for our nation :

And phone to the environnemental ministery in Paris for all our others nucléars programs contaminations and wastes problems...We are the best...cocorico...
Et pour le démentellement aussi j'espére, c'est le plus complexe et le plus urgent.
Phone free by the website of Arévé.
Every things Know, The Nuclears bumbs is good for all nations civilised and Nucléar Industrie Good for Nature and foods, if you don't have progress and progress in the exploration of your very darkside, you are looser, every learn this one, in scientist school.
But ecologist is like me, différent because, I d'ont have Rolex but I'm with the time of mind, modérate like austria.
The dream of french governements is make...
money, money, money...quickly and very quickly like many countries for peace and love with nuclear way.

Best reguards for the futurs consumers of France in Europa.



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